European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece - Bulgaria 2007 - 2013, Strategic Project
European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece - Bulgaria 2007 - 2013, Strategic Project
Horizon 2020 Call: H2020-RUR-2017-1
Duration: 4 years, beginning 1 January 2018
The project New Entrant netWork: Business models for Innovation, entrepreneurship and resilience in European agriculture, acronym NEWBIE, aims to address the significant challenge of enabling new entrants to successfully establish sustainable farm businesses in Europe.
Financed by INTERREG IV C
Type of intervention: Regional Initiative projects
Priority: 2: Environment and risk prevention
Sub-tem: Cultural heritage and landscape
Read more: “Zero-Impact Cultural Heritage Event Network" Project - ZEN
InnoSchool - "Strengthening Social Innovation and Entrepreneurial Spirit of Secondary Schools’ Students by Using Highly Innovative Learning System" project is financed under the The Danube Transnational Programme and tackles the need for system change, to support weak entrepreneurial culture and low engagement towards social innovation and entrepreneurship starting from adolescence years.
Project co-funded by the European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)
INTERREG - IPA CBC Cooperation Programme Bulgaria - Macedonia
Project No: CB006.1.31.050
Interreg - IPA CBC Programme
Duration: 2019 - 2021
Objectives: The project contributes to social human capital development, employment fostering, community development and thus social and economic development of the region through interconnected intervention in 2 main important direction:
Project 20076IPO007-2012-3-075
Innovation Centre for Young People – ICY
Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships/VET Projects
Project No 2016-1-ES01-KA202-025329
Read more: Starting Up Young Social Entrepreneurship Project, SUYSE
Mumpreneurship is a concept that incorporates Maternity and Entrepreneurship, meaning that involves women who, after becoming mothers decide to create their own business. In Europe that movement is mostly being developed by informal groups of women who feel the need to join into communities with peers to exchange ideias, share knowledge and expand their business.
Read more: FEMME - Fostering the Exchange of practices to Empower Mumpreneurship in Europe
Project "BE YOUR OWN BOSS”, acronym BYOB,
Erasmus + Programme, KA2
Priority: №4 "Sustainable development of fisheries areas"
Measure the Operational Program: №4.1 "Development of fisheries areas"
Measure of SCM 2.1. Restructuring and redirecting economic activities, in particular by promoting eco-tourism, provided that these activities do not result in an increase in fishing effort
The overall objective of the action is to contribute to the economic development of the cross-border area through sustainable development of tourism.
Bridging the Gap
Leonardo Da Vinchi Life-learning Programme - Transfer of Innovations
TASTE THE PAST PROJECT 2012 - 1 -TR1-LEO04-35792 6
Leading Partner: Business Incubator - Gotse Delchev, Entrepreneurship Promotion Centre (BI-DG)
Partner: Association of South-Western Municipalities (ASWM)
Human Resource Development Program, Priority Axis "Improving Access to Employment and Quality of Workplaces" Procedure Support for Entrepreneurship.
Read more: "Complex Support for Successful Business Start in Southwest Bulgaria" Project
RespOnSE project aims at providing competences to young people already engaged in volunteering, helping them transform their passion into a job opportunity.
Read more: RespOnSE - Resilience Officer for Social Emergencies
Social Enterprise Ecosystem Development - SEED
S.E.NEET - Social Entrepreneurship to battle Youth Social Exclusion
Creative Entrepreneurship Network - CEN
FEMME - Fostering the Exchange of practices to Empower Mumpreneurship in Europe
Complex Support for Successful Business Start in Southwest Bulgaria
RespOnSE - Resilience Officer for Social Emergencies
Plan of Smart Regional Specialization for the promotion of competitiveness, research and innovation
Social Enterprise Ecosystem Development - SEED
S.E.NEET - Social Entrepreneurship to battle Youth Social Exclusion
Creative Entrepreneurship Network - CEN
Innovation Centre for Young People – ICY
Employment in tourism - a chance for unemployed youths from Gotse Delchev region
New employment and partnership opportunities within the Mesta border region
Youth Employment in Mesta Region