European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece - Bulgaria 2007 - 2013, Strategic Project
The Strategic Project attempts to promote the Strategies for the Smart Regional Specialization (RIS3), in order to enhance the Interregional cooperation & consequently to achieve the goals of "Europe 2020" Strategy & of Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 Regulations. The project attempts to identify targeted investment priorities for the Interregional area & relative targeted actions that will support the excellence of entrepreneurship, research & innovation. The Regional strategies of RIS3 will be analyzed, then they will be related to the plan of the new "Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020" & "Black Sea 2014-2020". Common Interregional issues will be explored, the results & best practices of already implemented projects will be assessed as to develop a common interregional action plan. In this context, specialized actions will be undertaken & targeted applications will be implemented in order to support the approaches and the means of policy that the strategies RIS3 will indicate. These applications comprise the development of RIS3 local plans, the creation of an Observatory of Labour Market, the establishment of an institution which will steer the interregional entrepreneurship award, actions promoting the mobility among employees - entrepreneurs - researchers, feasibility of an interregional business zone. At the same time, structures of coordination and tools of awareness will be developed.
The project aims at providing a preview of European Regional Innovation trends for the next programming period 2014-2020, by presenting the concept of Smart Specialization, its potential impact on regional development trajectories and the chief differences with the previous strategic approach (Regional Innovation Strategy). Furthermore the scope of the project is to elicit, through experts, brainstorming sessions with participants on the possible scenarios for Innovation Intermediaries, given the new regional development paths that Smart Specialization could produce, and to give first-hand advice on possible new roles that intermediaries could assume to support Regional Authorities. The project attempts to identify targeted investment priorities for the Interregional area and relative targeted actions that will support the excellence of entrepreneurship, research and innovation.
The outputs of each WP are:
- WP1: Project proposal, 1 kick off meeting, 4 project meetings (of 120 min duration), 1 close out meeting, Project reports, 1 Interim Evaluation Report ,1 Final Report.
- WP2: 1 Communication Plan, 1 project logo and slogan, 5,000 leaflets, information video production, posters, newsletters, Web-site and Social Media development, Press releases, Press Conferences, 2 International Conferences, seminars and national events.
- WP3: Studies: Analysis of the 4 related Regional Strategies RIS3, 2 Smart specialization as a tool for territorial cooperation, 2 Compendium of National and regional policies for innovation and entrepreneurship, Assessment of the results and best practice guide, Identification of common needs, Development of a common Interregional RIS3 vision, strategy and action plan and Crossborder labour market analysis.
- WP4:1 Planning and implementation of an Interregional entrepreneurship award, 1 Labour Market Observatory, 1 Networking, clustering and added value enhancement of existing entrepreneurship support structures, 1 Interregional/ crossborder entrepreneurship award, 1 Feasibility study of an Interregional business zone and necessary supportive infrastructure, 2 action plans.
- WP5: Training courses to local authorities staff and to employers and personnel, 1 Network, 1 Interregional Development Forum, 1 Cooperation Memorandum and specialized RIS3 manuals
The expected results of Smart Specialization project activities implementation can be summarized as:
- Thematic knowledge accumulation and development of technological poles
- Exploring innovative issues in specific thematic areas of the market that play an important role in shaping a dynamic perspective on entrepreneurship
- Supporting the collective entrepreneurial effort in cooperation of public and private sectors, providing horizontal support to the innovation process
- Launch pilot actions with immediate results will strengthen the spirit of innovation in cross border area
- Configuration policies that will form the basis for developing a strategy in the new programming period oriented in innovation and entrepreneurship
- Horizontal measures to support the development of innovative dynamics
- Support measures for business planning and innovation management
- Progress of technological poles and knowledge transfer mechanisms Innovation campaigns
- Direct investments as a result of Networking efforts.
A special mention should be done for the following:
- Promotion of employment
- Local Initiatives for Employment
- Development of business infrastructure and activities
- Restructuring of the local economy
Activities will take place in the Region of Central Macedonia, in Thessaloniki, in Drama, in Haskovo and in Blagoevgrad
8.05.2015 - Gotse Delchev
Smart Specialization International Conference, organized by Business Incubator - Gotse Delchev with the participation of Bulgarian and Greek regional and local authorities, Ministry of Economy of Bulgaria, Minisrty of Macedonia and Trace, universities, chambers of commerce and industries of Thessaloniki, Drama and Blagoevgrad, BICC - Sandanski, Regional association of the municipalities Maritza, business association and companies, NGOs and educational institutions.
In the frame of the Smart Specialization project Business Incubator - Gotse Delchev organized Bulgarian - Greek exchange through business mobility - an active, effective and beneficial meetings and exchange of companies from Gotse Delchev region, Razlog, Blagoevgrad and Smolyan and Thessaloniki, Drama and Kavala from the smart specialization priority sectors ICT, Tourism and health. 20 companies from BG met with representatives of 35 companies from Drama and Kavala and 20 companies from Thessaloniki.
Representatives of 20 companies from the region of Drama from the sectors constructions, textile, paper, furniture producing, plastics and agro-sector visited the region of Gotse Delchev and met representative of similar local companies. The businesses exchanged experience and put a start of common business initiatives. The meetings were organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry together with Business Incubator - Gotse Delchev.