Implemented projects

Creative Entrepreneurship Network - CEN project

INTERREG - IPA CBC Cooperation Programme Bulgaria - Macedonia

Project No: CB006.1.31.050 




Partners: Foundation  for Development of Small and Medium Enterprises - Strumica and Business Incubator - Gotse Delchev

Main Objective: The project will contribute to increase the competitiveness of the regional business through stimulatining creativity among young people and cultural and community centres as well as capacity building for creative entrepreneurs for development of creative products and services improving human resources by equipping them with entreprenurial mind-set and skills and encouraging development of network for creative industries promotion.

To intensify cross-border cooperation between the people and institutions of the region in order to jointly address common challenges and exploit untapped potentials, the project is forming an environment to unlock creativity, in particular of young people, and is developing tools as mobile creative atelies/workshops in local communities and is encouraging entrepreneurial skills for development of the creative industries.


  • Selection of participants;
  • Establishment of 6 mobile ateliers/workshops;
  • Creative Forum in Strumica participants for creative ideas and creative networking and cooperation;
  • Capacity Building for creative ideas and entrepreneurship -  training for trainers "Development of creative products" and Creative workshops trainings on Film and clip making, on Music workshop, on Arts and crafts mobile workshop, on Mask and costumes and Creative Entrepreneurship training and Opportunity to finance a creative business;
  • Creative Fair in Blagoevgrad district for the 40 most active participants from all 6 creative workshops to make creative products prototypes;
  • Intensive learning in EU country – study visit and good practice exchange;
  • Cross - border Exhibition "Creativity and Entrepreneurship in Strumica to present the results and lessons learnt

Expected results:

  • 10 MK and 10 BG trained local trainers to be the leaders of the mobile creative ateliers/workshops; 10 MK and 10 BG creative people with skills and knowledge in film and clips making; 10 BG creative people with skills and knowledge in music product making; 20 MK and 20 BG creative people with skills and knowledge in creative products making; 10 MK  creative people with skills and knowledge in mask and costumes making; 15 MK and 15 BG people with knowledge for creative entrepreneurship and opportunity for creative business idea funding
  • a joint film about the cross-border region and 8 short films/clips; 8 music products; 40 creative products of arts and crafts and mask and costumes; 8 simple business plans how the creative ateliers to work ;
  • 6 good EU practices selected by  20 participants in the intensive learning, 20 reports by participants with lessons learnt about the creative business and creative approaches they would like to adapt in the region and community,
  • Exhibition "Creativity and Entrepreneurship” promoted all the products and results




























Films and clips 

They are created by the participants in the Video and Clip making atelier, established in Business Incubator - Gotse Delchev under the project. 


My town - Gotse Delchev

Authors: Али Скендеров, Рени Каракашева, Мария Шопова, Теодора Бързева и Костадин Димитров

Fail: avchd video, 878 MB 







Authors: Али Скендеров и Рени Каракашева

Fail: avchd video, 129 MB 






Reaching the top

Authors: Теодора Бързева

Fail: mp4, 817 MB 







The children of Gotse Delchev

Authors: Али Скендеров и Рени Каракашева

Fail: avchd video, 423 MB 






Looking for talents 

Authors: Мария Шопова и Али Скендеров 

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Authors: Рени Каракашева

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Christmas in school

Authors: Мария Шопова и Рени Каракашева

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Authors: Мария Шопова 

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The night life in Gotse Delchev

Authors: Али Скендеров, Рени Каракашева и Мария Шопова 

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Gotse Delchev in Christmas

Authors: Али Скендеров 

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The monuments in Gotse Delchev

Authors: Надя Льогова и Костадин Димитров 

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Our region Gotse Delchev

Authors: Али Скендеров и Мария Шопова 

Fail: avchd video, 406 MB






Songs and melodies, sang, played and recorded and some of them composed by participants in the Music atelier in Business Incubator - Gotse Delchev, under this project:

Интерпретация Лиляно моме 

Части от България


Глас и звуци

Тамбура - ръченица

Тамбура - пиринска

Гайда джура

Гайда каба

Тъпан и пищялка

Тъпан и пискун





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