Business Incubator – Gotse Delchev is starting a new cross-border project - Creative Entrepreneurship Network. Its aim is to stimulate creativity among young people and cultural and community centres as well as capacity building for development of creative products and services and skills for creative entrepreneurship and networking. There will be established 6 mobile creative workshops – 3 for the region of Gotse Delchev and 3 for Strumica, where will be developed practical skills for film and clip making, arts and crafts, music products, mask and costume making, with focus on the opportunity for upgrading these skills into business. Interesting Creative Forum and Creative Fair along with Intensive Learning in EU country – study visit and good practice exchange and Cross-border Exhibition of the created products and results will be part of the activities under the project.
The project is financed by INNTERREG – IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Bulgaria – the FYROM. From Macedonian partner is Foundation for Development of Small and Medium Enterprises – Strumica.