About us

About us

The Business Incubator-Gotse Delchev Entrepreneurship Promotion Centre was established in 1999 as an initiative of UNDP & the municipality of Gotse Delchev.

BI-GD works towards encouraging local economic & human resources development. Its main objective is to support start-ups & SMEs within the Gotse Delchev region through providing them high quality business services: information, consultancy, trainings, & support for micro-financing.  BI-GD implemented a large number of projects and measures which improve the skills / staff qualification & competence of SMEs, address modernization deficits of SMEs, improve the quality of services provided to business start-ups & SMEs, improve the connection SMEs-education & deliver vocational trainings for new qualification or the improvement of existing ones due to its accreditation of the NA for VET and the Nation Employment Agency to provide vocational trainings & key competences e.g: economics, marketing & management, entrepreneurship.

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